On Tue, 13 Nov 2018, Qing Zhao wrote:

> Hi,

> Attached is the patch for new -flive-patching=[inline-only-static | 
> inline-clone] master option.
> '-flive-patching=LEVEL'
>      Control GCC's optimizations to provide a safe compilation for
>      live-patching.  Provides multiple-level control on how many of the
>      optimizations are enabled by users' request.  The LEVEL argument
>      should be one of the following:
>      'inline-only-static'
>           Only enable inlining of static functions, disable all other
>           ipa optimizations/analyses.  As a result, when patching a
>           static routine, all its callers need to be patches as well.
>      'inline-clone'
>           Only enable inlining and all optimizations that internally
>           create clone, for example, cloning, ipa-sra, partial inlining,
>           etc.; disable all other ipa optimizations/analyses.  As a
>           result, when patching a routine, all its callers and its
>           clones' callers need to be patched as well.

Based on our previous discussion I assume that "clone" optimizations are 
safe (for LP) and the others are not. Anyway I'd welcome a note mentioning 
that disabled optimizations are dangerous for LP.

I know it may be the same for you, but it is not for me as a GCC user. 
"internally create clone" sounds very... well, internal. It does not 
describe the option much for ordinary user whow has no knowledge about GCC 

So could you rephrase it a bit, please?

>      When -flive-patching specified without any value, the default value
>      is "inline-clone".
>      This flag is disabled by default.
> let me know your comments and suggestions on the implementation.

I compared it to Martin's patch and ipa-icf-variables is not covered in 
yours (I may have missed something).


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