On 12/01/19 14:08 +0100, Jakub Jelinek wrote:

On Fri, Jan 11, 2019 at 04:54:11PM +0100, Jakub Jelinek wrote:
I've noticed we don't have any feature test macros in the table for C++20,
even when a couple of the features have them defined.

Here is an updated patch, that in addition to that makes 9 URLs as we now
have #cxx in gcc-9/changes.html and adds missing P0941R2 entry that clang
table has.  For that one I'm not 100% sure what to say, I've copied all the
macros from http://wg21.link/p0941r2 into two source files (attached below),
one for core language features, another one for library and tested those
with -std=c++2a with current trunk.  Compared to what the paper lists, we
have __has_cpp_attribute (carries_dependency) 0, __cpp_guaranteed_copy_elision
and __cpp_nontype_template_parameter_auto not defined.  Is that what we
want?  On the library side, __cpp_lib_any,

This is missing from <version> and has the wrong value in <any>.


This is unimplemented (it's part of trodgers' PSTL work).




This should be defined except in Debug Mode (and Debug Mode should be
fixed to support it).


Unimplemened (PSTL).


Missing from both <version> and <memory>


Not fully implemented.


Only defined in <version> for !__STRICT_ANSI__.


Missing from <version> and has wrong value in <variant>.

macros aren't defined (at least not in <version>) and

The value is wrong, we implement the P0032 changes that bumped the
macro to 201606.

__cpp_lib_shared_ptr_arrays, __cpp_lib_string_view

I think the value is wrong for these two.

have smaller values than those in the P0941R2.
Is that the desirable state given current C++2A implementation status?

I'll fix the issues above.

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