On 2/20/19 7:25 AM, Jeff Law wrote:
On 2/20/19 5:36 AM, Pedro Alves wrote:
On 02/05/2019 05:07 PM, Jeff Law wrote:
FWIW, I've been doing Fedora rawhide builds with gcc-9 since early Jan.
  Not everything builds with -Wall -Werror, but lots of packages do.
I've only seen one maybe-uninit warning cause problems -- it was
spurious and for a memory object.  I didn't dig into it at all.

Do you have insight into how many Fedora packages explicitly disable
maybe-uninit?  I really don't know the answer to that, but I'd at least
keep that in mind as a possible reason for the warning seemingly
not causing trouble often.
Unfortunately not.  And my tester only saves failed log files, so I
can't just grep the log files for it.

Would it difficult to add a pass over the build logs to scan for
these sorts of things?  E.g., count the number of instances of
each warning in builds that don't use -Werror?


GDB disables it (or rather, removes it from -Werror), and I wouldn't be
surprised if other C++ programs do the same, when they start using
std::optional more.  Since boost::optional also triggers the same warnings,
set may be even larger than C++11-or-later programs.
Well, one of the proposals is to distinguish between scalars and
memory/addressables.  That should (in theory) make it possible to deal
with this more sanely.


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