The compiler was generating finalization of temporary objects used in
evaluating case expressions for controlled types in cases where the case
statement created by Expand_N_Expression_With_Actions is rewritten as an
if statement. This is fixed by inheriting the From_Condition_Expression
flag from the rewritten case statement.

The test below must generate the following output when executed:

$ main
Xs(1): 1


package Test is

   type E is (E1, E2);
   procedure Test (A : in E);

end Test;


with Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Finalization;

package body Test is

   type T is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with
         N : Natural := 0;
      end record;

   overriding procedure Finalize (X : in out T) is
      X.N := 42;
   end Finalize;

   type T_Array is array (Positive range <>) of T;

   function Make_T (N : Natural) return T is
      return (Ada.Finalization.Controlled with N => N);
   end Make_T;

   X1 : constant T := Make_T (1);
   X2 : constant T := Make_T (2);

   procedure Test (A : in E)
      Xs : constant T_Array := (case A is
                                   when E1 => (1 => X1),
                                   when E2 => (1 => X2));
      Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Xs(1):" & Natural'Image (Xs (1).N));
   end Test;

end Test;


with Test;

procedure Main is
   Test.Test (Test.E1);
end Main;

Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on trunk

2019-07-22  Gary Dismukes  <>


        * exp_ch5.adb (Expand_N_Case_Statement): In the case where a
        case statement is rewritten as an equivalent if statement,
        inherit the From_Condition_Expression flag from the case
--- gcc/ada/exp_ch5.adb
+++ gcc/ada/exp_ch5.adb
@@ -2856,13 +2856,14 @@ package body Exp_Ch5 is
    procedure Expand_N_Case_Statement (N : Node_Id) is
-      Loc    : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N);
-      Expr   : constant Node_Id    := Expression (N);
-      Alt    : Node_Id;
-      Len    : Nat;
-      Cond   : Node_Id;
-      Choice : Node_Id;
-      Chlist : List_Id;
+      Loc            : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N);
+      Expr           : constant Node_Id    := Expression (N);
+      From_Cond_Expr : constant Boolean    := From_Conditional_Expression (N);
+      Alt            : Node_Id;
+      Len            : Nat;
+      Cond           : Node_Id;
+      Choice         : Node_Id;
+      Chlist         : List_Id;
       --  Check for the situation where we know at compile time which branch
@@ -3073,7 +3074,15 @@ package body Exp_Ch5 is
                    Condition => Cond,
                    Then_Statements => Then_Stms,
                    Else_Statements => Else_Stms));
+               --  The rewritten if statement needs to inherit whether the
+               --  case statement was expanded from a conditional expression,
+               --  for proper handling of nested controlled objects.
+               Set_From_Conditional_Expression (N, From_Cond_Expr);
                Analyze (N);
             end if;
          end if;

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