On Thu, 26 Sep 2019, Arnaud Charlet wrote:

> > Notice that ADA_RTL_OBJ_DIR never changes with/without the use of this 
> > configuration option (as expected).
> > 
> >  Does it answer your question?
> Yes, that's now very clear, thanks!

 Sorry not to make the original change description clear enough.

> The change is OK for me, thanks.

 Thanks for your review.

 Shall I amend the change description anyhow then?  I know it has not (as 
yet, as discussed at the GNU Tools Cauldron recently) been enforced for 
the GCC project (unlike with e.g. glibc), however I mean to use it whole 
as the commit message, which is what I have been doing for quite a while 
now, because I recognise the value of change descriptions for future 
repository examination.


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