
Is your website truly effective in reaching its audience?

Which is why I propose to SEO optimize your website, so it could capture the attention of its customers.. in its targeted geography and demography.

My research on suggests that though the website sees some organic traffic here and there, these numbers could be significantly increased. Because A. There are certain high volume keywords that you are NOT yet optimized for, and B. Your Social Media presence could use a few makeovers suited to the current times.

Basically it means, to optimize you for the high volume key-terms related to-

Where I will-

· Publish rich content through your social media channels, namely Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Google+

· use Videos effectively through YouTube & Vimeo

· Promote your site through relevant Blog Networks, Forums & Review based sites.

I guarantee a drastic increase in website traffic and your search rankings once I perform these tasks.

Are you interested in this? If yes, please allow me to send you a No Obligation Audit Report and quote.

Hoping to hear from you and form a partnership ahead. Also, if this is not the correct contact, could you please pass this to the right person at your Organization?

Best Regards,
Layla Lopez
Search Marketing Specialist

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