On Tue, 28 Jan 2020, Uecker, Martin wrote:

> > (*) this also shows the level of "obfuscation" needed to fool compilers
> > to lose provenance knowledge is hard to predict.
> Well, this is exactly the problem we want to address by defining
> a clear way to do this. Casting to an integer would be the way
> to state: "consider the pointer as escaped and forget the 
> provenance"  and casting an integer to a  pointer would
> mean "this pointer may point to all objects whose pointer has
> escaped". This would give the programmer explicit control about
> this aspect and make most existing code using pointer-to-integer
> casts well-defined. At the same time, this should be simple
> to add to existing points-to analysis.

Can you explain why you make it required for the compiler to treat the
points-to set unnecessarily broader than it could prove? In the Matlab
example, there's a simple chain of computations that the compiler is
following to prove that the pointer resulting from the final cast is
derived from exactly one other pointer (no other pointers have
participated in the computations).

Or, in other words:

is there an example where a programmer can distinguish between the
requirement you explain above vs. the fine-grained interpretation
that GIMPLE aims to implement (at least as I understand it), which is:

  when the program creates a pointer by means of non-pointer computations
  (casts, representation access, etc), the resulting pointer may point to:

    * any object which address could have participated in the computation
      (which is at worst the entire set of "exposed" objects up to that
       program point, but can be much narrower if the compiler can see
       the entire chain of computations)

    * any objects which is not "exposed" but could have known address, e.g.
      because it is placed at a specific address during linking


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