On 03/02/2020 14:13, Jonathan Wakely wrote:
On Mon, 3 Feb 2020 at 14:00, Richard Earnshaw (lists) wrote:
Where does your '50 chars' limit come from?  It's not in the glibc text,
and it's not in the linux kernel text either.  AFAICT this is your
invention and you seem to be the only person proposing it.

It's a fairly well established convention, e.g.
https://chris.beams.io/posts/git-commit/ and it's what Github suggests
(and whines if you go past it).

That suggest it as a limit for everything. If you have a tag and a bug number then then that would leave very little for the real part of the summary and would likely lead to something meaningless or incomprehensible in the remaining characters. That might be OK for small projects, but for something the size of gcc, I think keeping the extra flexibility is useful.

I think the linux rule (the whole line, not including the parts that are
removed on commit, should not exceed 75 characters) is far more sensible
- which is why this draft states this.

I'm OK with that.

OK, thanks.


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