> >>
> >
> > Just a small note that 510.parest_r SPEC 2017 benchmark can't be built
> > now with default changed to -std=c++17. The spec config needs to be
> adjusted.
> >
> > Martin
> And there one another failure in 520.omnetpp_r caused by run-time error:
> <!> Error during startup: Register_Function() or cMathFunction: attempt to
> register function "SPEC_HYPOT" with wrong number of arguments 2, should
> be 3.
> which is about call of std::__hypot3 which has newly 3 args since c++ 17:
> https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/numeric/math/hypot

Thanks!, I was scratching my head where this error came from..


> Martin

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