
It may not be worth altering at this point, but it seems like it would leave 
bugs open if all the constraints go in as "closed" ranges and all evals are
translated to closed intervals. So, if (idx > 0) and if (idx >= 1) are the same
constraint. I know this won't be an option for eventual float support, but
that is a different can of worms. For integers, you can fix it at those entry 
and then all other subroutines can ignore the issue of open or closed ranges.

I fully understand the eye glaze and did not want to have to write it that
way. I am thinking if there is a cleaner way to do it. Anyway, that is why I
put a comment in each case to derive the result. This issue of "sides of the
condition" and "inverted operator" as you call it in some places is a recurring
theme. It is especially irritating when we lose commutativity, as we do with 

Adding logic in my subroutine for MULT or DIV is not hard, handling overflow
is a bit more involved. At the very least, we would need to know what the max 
or min
of a particular variable is, which might be in the type tree. We would also 
need to
define how we want to handle the issue.

The problem is (and I have been thinking about this a lot in terms of constraint
merging), there are currently no "or constraints," which would be helpful in 
merging too.
So for overflow, when you have something like

if (idx > 0)
  idx += num;
  __analyzer_eval(idx > num);

you have gone from a single constraint (idx > 0), to an "or condition"
(idx > num || idx < MIN_INT + num). The only solution now, other than ignoring
overflow as a bug that is tolerated, is to just pass it off as unhandled (and
therefore UNKNOWN). Perhaps you may want to add overflow as one of your analyzer
warnings if it cannot be ruled out?

I did try to run a test with a simple || in the condition before just to see 
would happen, and as you probably know it is not handled at all. I did not watch
in gdb, but it is obvious from constraint-manager.cc that there is nothing to 
it. I think I actually did an __analyzer_eval() of the same || condition 
that was in the if() conditional and still got an UNKNOWN.

It is a pretty intrusive change to add logic for that, which is why I have not
done any work on it yet. Without the concept of "or" I don't see how we could
handle overflow, but maybe you don't really want to handle it anyway, but
rather just emit a warning if it might be considered poor practice to rely
on something that is technically machine dependent anyway.

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