On Thu, Apr 22, 2021 at 2:22 PM Jakub Jelinek <ja...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 22, 2021 at 01:23:20PM +0200, Richard Biener via Gcc-patches 
> wrote:
> > > The question is if the pragma GCC target right now behaves incrementally
> > > or not, whether
> > > #pragma GCC target("avx2")
> > > adds -mavx2 to options if it was missing before and nothing otherwise, or 
> > > if
> > > it switches other options off.  If it is incremental, we could e.g. try to
> > > use the second least significant bit of global_options_set.x_* to mean
> > > this option has been set explicitly by some surrounding #pragma GCC 
> > > target.
> > > The normal tests - global_options_set.x_flag_whatever could still work
> > > fine because they wouldn't care if the option was explicit from anywhere
> > > (command line or GCC target or target attribute) and just & 2 would mean
> > > it was explicit from pragma GCC target; though there is the case of
> > > bitfields... And then the inlining decision could check the & 2 flags to
> > > see what is required and what is just from command line.
> > > Or we can have some other pragma GCC that would be like target but would
> > > have flags that are explicit (and could e.g. be more restricted, to ISA
> > > options only, and let those use in addition to #pragma GCC target.
> >
> > I'm still curious as to what you think will break if always-inline does what
> > it is documented to do.
> We will silently accept calling intrinsics that must be used only in certain
> ISA contexts, which will lead to people writing non-portable code.
> So -O2 -mno-avx
> #include <x86intrin.h>
> void
> foo (__m256 *x)
> {
>   x[0] = _mm256_sub_ps (x[1], x[2]);
> }
> etc. will now be accepted when it shouldn't be.
> clang rejects it like gcc with:
> 1.c:6:10: error: always_inline function '_mm256_sub_ps' requires target 
> feature 'avx', but would be inlined into function 'foo' that is compiled 
> without support for 'avx'
>   x[0] = _mm256_sub_ps (x[1], x[2]);
>          ^
> Note, if I do:
> #include <x86intrin.h>
> __attribute__((target ("no-sse3"))) void
> foo (__m256 *x)
> {
>   x[0] = _mm256_sub_ps (x[1], x[2]);
> }
> and compile
> clang -S -O2 -mavx2 1.c
> 1.c:6:10: error: always_inline function '_mm256_sub_ps' requires target 
> feature 'avx', but would be inlined into function 'foo' that is compiled 
> without support for 'avx'
>   x[0] = _mm256_sub_ps (x[1], x[2]);
>          ^
> then from the error message it seems that unlike GCC, clang remembers
> the exact target features that are needed for the intrinsics and checks just
> those.
> Though, looking at the preprocessed source, seems it uses
> static __inline __m256 __attribute__((__always_inline__, __nodebug__, 
> __target__("avx"), __min_vector_width__(256)))
> _mm256_sub_ps(__m256 __a, __m256 __b)
> {
>   return (__m256)((__v8sf)__a-(__v8sf)__b);
> }
> and not target pragmas.
> Anyway, if we tweak our intrinsic headers so that
> -#ifndef __AVX__
>  #pragma GCC push_options
>  #pragma GCC target("avx")
> -#define __DISABLE_AVX__
> -#endif /* __AVX__ */
> ...
> -#ifdef __DISABLE_AVX__
> -#undef __DISABLE_AVX__
>  #pragma GCC pop_options
> -#endif /* __DISABLE_AVX__ */
> and do the opts_set->x_* & 2 stuff on explicit options coming out of
> target/optimize pragmas and attributes, perhaps we don't even need
> to introduce a new attribute and can handle everything magically:
> 1) if it is gnu_inline extern inline, allow indirect calls, otherwise
> disallow them for always_inline functions

There are a lot of intrinsics using extern inline __gnu_inline though...

> 2) for the isa flags and option mismatches, only disallow opts_set->x_* & 2
> stuff
> This will keep both intrinsics and glibc fortify macros working fine
> in all the needed use cases.

Yes, see my example in the other mail.

I think before we add any new attributes we should sort out the
current mess, eventually adding some testcases for desired


>         Jakub

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