On 9/2/22 12:23 PM, Segher Boessenkool wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 02, 2022 at 12:02:54PM -0500, Peter Bergner wrote:
>> On 9/2/22 11:31 AM, Segher Boessenkool wrote:
>>> (Did you also look at non-MMA VIEW_CONVERT_EXPR uses btw?)
>> I did.  It seemed they were all related to pointers to vectors and I remember
>> you mentioning that as one of the reasons for using VIEW_CONVERT_EXPR over
>> NOP_EXPR, so I left them alone to be safe.
> Huh?  I have no idea what you mean here.
> Casting from one pointer type to another never needs it.  Casting from a
> scalar integer type to a pointer type not either AFAIKi.  But I am not a
> Gimple expert, all this might be wrong, it isn't documented anywbere :-(

Ah, then I misunderstood you and didn't pick up on the non-pointer thing.
...which just goes to show I'm not an expert and someone else should look
at those uses. :-) 


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