>>> are we absolutely sure this is the only problem we will have
>>> with precision != bitsize and it is confined to the backend?
> Yes.

With vinfo.vector_mode == VNx4SI
 mask_type = get_mask_type_for_scalar_type (vinfo, int)
mask_type is:
 vector(4) <signed-boolean:2>

I.e. the precision is 2.  This is definitely fishy and related
to the same problem.  I would almost bet that something in the
middle-end relies on the precision for some optimization but
we just haven't hit it yet.

Then we have
 vector(2) <signed-boolean:4> (precision 4)
as a mask type for vector(2) long int.

Likewise we would likely have a precision of 8 for a vector(1)?
Those might be less severe but still...

And that's just what I'm seeing spontaneously after like five


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