On 7/12/23 07:05, senthilkumar.selva...@microchip.com wrote:

   I've been spending some (spare) time trying to get LRA working
   for the avr target.

Thank you for addressing this problem.

The code you changing is very sensitive and was a source of multiple PRs in the past.  But I found the change your propose logical and I think it will not create problems.  Still please be alert and revert the patch if people reports the problem with this change.

  After making a couple of changes to get
   libgcc going, I'm now hitting an assert at
   lra-constraints.cc:4423 for a subarch (avrtiny) that has a
   couple of regclasses with no available registers.

   The assert fires because in_class_p (correctly) returns
   false for get_reg_class (regno) = ALL_REGS, and new_class =
   NO_LD_REGS. For avrtiny, NO_LD_REGS is an empty regset, and
   therefore hard_reg_set_subset_p (NO_LD_REGS, lra_no_alloc_regs)
   is always true, making in_class_p return false.

   in_class_p picks NO_LD_REGS as new_class because common_class =
   ira_reg_class_subset[ALL_REGS][NO_REGS] evaluates as
   NO_LD_REGS. This appears wrong to me - it should be NO_REGS
   instead (lra-constraints.cc:4421 checks for NO_REGS).

   ira.cc:setup_reg_class_relations sets up
   ira_reg_class_subset (among other things), and the problem
   appears to be a missing continue statement if
   reg_class_contents[cl3] (in the innermost loop) is empty.

   In this case, for cl1 = ALL_REGS and cl2 = NO_REGS, cl3 =
   NO_LD_REGS, temp_hard_regset and temp_set2 are both empty, and
   hard_reg_subset_p (<emptyset>, <anyval>) is always true, so
   ira_reg_class_subset[ALL_REGS][NO_REGS] ends up being set to
   cl3 = NO_LD_REGS. Adding a continue if hard_reg_set_empty_p 
   fixes the problem for me.

   Does the below patch look ok? Bootstrapping and regression
   testing passed on x86_64.

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