
Le 13/08/2023 à 23:16, Harald Anlauf via Fortran a écrit :
Hi Mikael,

Am 09.08.23 um 22:21 schrieb Mikael Morin via Gcc-patches:


I have regression tested this on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, and
powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu (both -m32 and -m64).
OK for master?

this looks good to me.

There was only one thing I was uncertain what the right way is:
you chose to use mpz_cmp_ui in the length check in the new helper
function gfc_length_one_character_type_p, while in many other places
the length check uses mpz_cmp_si.

Admittedly, a negative (effective/declared) character length can never
occur, except maybe at intermediate times during resolution before this
is fixed up in accordance with the standard.  So this is probably more
a cosmetic decision, and you can decide to use either variant.

That's well spotted, but I think it doesn't matter in this case.
There are only two cases: whether the length is 1, and whether the length is different from 1. In each of those two cases, gfc_cmp_si and gfc_cmp_ui return both either zero or non-zero.

I'm afraid of last-minute changes, so I prefer to keep the patch as is.

Thanks for the review.


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