Am Donnerstag, dem 02.11.2023 um 17:28 -0700 schrieb Bill Wendling:
> On Thu, Nov 2, 2023 at 1:36 PM Qing Zhao <> wrote:
> > 
> > Thanks a lot for raising these issues.
> > 
> > If I understand correctly,  the major question we need to answer is:
> > 
> > For the following example: (Jakub mentioned this  in an early message)
> > 
> >   1 struct S { int a; char b __attribute__((counted_by (a))) []; };
> >   2 struct S s;
> >   3 s.a = 5;
> >   4 char *p = &s.b[2];
> >   5 int i1 = __builtin_dynamic_object_size (p, 0);
> >   6 s.a = 3;
> >   7 int i2 = __builtin_dynamic_object_size (p, 0);
> > 
> > Should the 2nd __bdos call (line 7) get
> >         A. the latest value of s.a (line 6) for it’s size?
> > Or      B. the value when the s.b was referenced (line 3, line 4)?
> > 
> I personally think it should be (A). The user is specifically
> indicating that the size has somehow changed, and the compiler should
> behave accordingly.

One potential problem for A apart from the potential impact on
optimization is that the information may get lost more
easily. Consider:

char *p = &s.b[2];
int i = __bdos(p, 0);

If the compiler can not see into 'f', the information is lost
because f may have changed the size.

And if I understand it correctly, if the pointers escapes
with .ACCESS_WITH_SIZE, then this is already true for:

char *p = &s.b[2];
int i = __bdos(p, 0);

If we make it UB to change the size, then I guess we could
also delay this choice.  Or we implement B but have a UBSan
option based on A that only verifies at run-time that the size 
did not change.


> > A should be more convenient for the user to use the dynamic array feature.
> > With B, the user has to modify the source code (to add code to “re-obtain”
> > the pointer after the size was adjusted at line 6) as mentioned by Richard.
> > 
> > This depends on how we design the new internal function .ACCESS_WITH_SIZE
> > 
> > 1. Size is passed by value to .ACCESS_WITH_SIZE as we currently designed.
> > 
> > 
> > 2. Size is passed by reference to .ACCESS_WITH_SIZE as Jakub suggested.
> > 
> > 
> > With 1, We can only provide B, the user needs to modify the source code to 
> > get the full feature of dynamic array;
> > With 2, We can provide  A, the user will get full support to the dynamic 
> > array without restrictions in the source code.
> > 
> My understanding of ACCESS_WITH_SIZE is that it's there to add an
> explicit reference to SIZE so that the optimizers won't reorder the
> code incorrectly. If that's the case, then it should act as if
> ACCESS_WITH_SIZE wasn't even there (i.e. it's just a pointer
> dereference into the FAM). We get that with (2) it appears. It would
> be a major headache to make the user go throughout their code base to
> ensure that SIZE was either unmodified, or if it was that extra code
> must be added to ensure the expected behavior.
> > However, We have to pay additional cost for supporting A by using 2, which 
> > includes:
> > 
> > 1. .ACCESS_WITH_SIZE will become an escape point, which will further impact 
> > the IPA optimizations, more runtime overhead.
> >     Then .ACCESS_WTH_SIZE will not be CONST, right? But it will still be 
> > PURE?
> > 
> > 2. __builtin_dynamic_object_size will NOT be LEAF anymore.  This will also 
> > impact some IPA optimizations, more runtime overhead.
> > 
> > I think the following are the factors that make the decision:
> > 
> > 1. How big the performance impact?
> > 2. How important the dynamic array feature? Is adding some user 
> > restrictions as Richard mentioned feasible to support this feature?
> > 
> > Maybe we can implement 1 first, if the full support to the dynamic array is 
> > needed, we can add 2 then?
> > Or, we can implement both, and compare the performance difference, then 
> > decide?
> > 
> > Qing
> > 

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