On 12-05-25 09:56 , Jakub Jelinek wrote:
On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 03:51:25PM +0200, Michael Matz wrote:
On Fri, 25 May 2012, Gabriel Dos Reis wrote:
That's one of my fears, namely that those used to the libstdc++ style
impose that on the compiler source base.  Because IMHO the libstdc++ style
isn't very appealing.


I don't care how ugly coding conventions look. I've dealt with many and they all have their ugly spots. I mostly care about consistency.

I don't think we should deviate much from the established GNU standards (which are hideous, btw). Mostly because we are all used to them and it is going to be simpler to write new code that is similar to what is already there.

Lawrence, Ian and Gaby have been working on the proposed coding guidelines for C++ (http://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/CppConventions). Lawrence, have you had a chance to update them with your latest edits?


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