On Sun, 19 May 2024, Martin Uecker wrote:

>     c23 specifies that the type of a redeclared enumerator is the one of the
>     previous declaration.  Convert initializers with different type 
> accordingly
>     and add -Woverflow warning.

It doesn't make sense to use -Woverflow.  Either the value is the same (in 
which case it fits in the desired type), or it's different (and you should 
get the "conflicting redeclaration of enumerator" error or some equivalent 
error, whether or not the value in the redeclaration fits in the previous 

Note that this includes both explicit values and values determined by 
adding 1 implicitly.  E.g.

  enum e { A = 0, B = UINT_MAX };
  enum e { B = UINT_MAX, A };

is not valid, because in the redefinition, A gets the value 1 greater than 
UINT_MAX (which is not representable in unsigned int) - there is *not* an 
addition in type unsigned int, or in type enum e.

The constraint violated is the general one "If an identifier has no 
linkage, there shall be no more than one declaration of the identifier (in 
a declarator or type specifier) with the same scope and in the same name 
space, except that: ... enumeration constants and tags may be redeclared 
as specified in and, respectively." (where says 
"Enumeration constants can be redefined in the same scope with the same 
value as part of a redeclaration of the same enumerated type." - as the 
redefinition is not with the same value, the "as specified in" is 
not satisfied and so the general constraint against redeclarations with no 
linkage applies).

Joseph S. Myers

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