On Wed, 20 Jun 2012 11:56:39 +0100
Ramana Radhakrishnan <ramana.radhakrish...@linaro.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> This patch helps use the __builtin_shuffle intrinsics to implement the
> Neon permute intrinsics following on from Julian's and my patch last
> week. It needed support for __builtin_shuffle in the C++ frontend
> which is now in and has been for the past few days , so I'm a little
> happier with this going in now.The changes to Julian's  patch are to
> drop the "mask" generation and now this directly generates the vector
> constants instead.

A small stylistic point I noticed: in,

   let rec print_lines = function
     [] -> ()
-  | [line] -> Format.printf "%s" line
-  | line::lines -> Format.printf "%s@," line; print_lines lines in
+  | [line] -> if line <> "" then Format.printf "%s" line else ()
+  | line::lines -> (if line <> "" then Format.printf "%s@," line);
                                                   print_lines lines in
   print_lines body; close_braceblock ffmt;
   end_function ffmt

You can use constant strings in pattern matches, so this can be just:

  let rec print_lines = function
    [] | ""::_ -> ()
  | [line] -> Format.printf...
  | line::lines -> Format.printf...

You didn't need the brackets () around the if, btw. It's semantically
quite like C: only a single statement after the "then" is conditional.
If you want multiple statements conditionalised, the idiomatic
way to do it is use begin...end (equivalent to { } in C) after the then



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