On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 6:26 AM, Manuel López-Ibáñez
<lopeziba...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 17 October 2012 11:55, Dodji Seketeli <do...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> Hello Manuel,
>> Let's CC Gaby on this one as well.
>> Manuel López-Ibáñez <lopeziba...@gmail.com> writes:
>>> The problem is that the macro unwinder code is changing the original
>>> diagnostic type and not restoring it, so the code detecting that we
>>> ICE fails to abort, which triggers another ICE, and so on. But there
>>> is no point in modifying the original diagnostic, we can simply create
>>> a temporary copy and use that for macro unwinding.
>> We modify the context as well, and we set it back to its original value
>> before getting out.  Why not just doing the same for the diagnostic_info
>> type? I mean, just save diagnostics->kind before changing it, and set it
>> back to the saved value before getting out?  That is less expensive than
>> copying all of the diagnostic_info.
> Well, the difference is that for context, we are not sure that what we
> get at the end of the function is actually the same that we received.
> I am not sure if there is some buffer/obstack growth there. For
> diagnostic_info it is very different: we want to return exactly the
> original. (And in fact, both maybe_unwind_expanded_macro_loc and
> diagnostic_build_prefix should take a const * diagnostic_info).
> Also, I am not sure why we need to restore the prefix. Once the
> warning/error has been printed and we are just attaching notes from
> the unwinder, we don't care about the original prefix so we may simply
> destroy it. In fact, I think we are *leaking memory* by not destroying
> the prefix. Perhaps the prefix should be destroyed always after the
> finalizer and the default finalizer should be empty?
> Actually, I would propose going even a step further and use a more
> high-level api instead of calling into the pretty-printer directly.
> Something like: diagnostic_attach_note(context, const *
> diagnostic_info, location_t, const char * message, ...) that for
> example will check for context->inhibit_notes_p, will make sure the
> message is translated, will make sure that diagnostic_info is not
> overriden, will print the caret (or not), etc. This will live in
> diagnostic.c and could be used by customized diagnostic hooks to
> attach notes to an existing diagnostic. It would be a bit less
> optimized than the current code, but more re-usable.
> What do you think?

That makes sense and is what we should do.

> It would be good to have Gaby's opinion as well, since what I am
> proposing is more far-reaching.
> Cheers,
> Manuel.

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