On Wed, 2013-07-31 12:18:42 -0400, David Malcolm <dmalc...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 2013-07-31 at 18:00 +0200, Jan-Benedict Glaw wrote:
> > That's why I'm running the build robot :)  Once I've got some
> > time[tm], I'll spend it a small web frontend to look into the basic
> > information (which builds worked/failed, show build logfile, show git
> > log between working/non-working version.)
> BTW, have you seen buildbot?  i.e. http://buildbot.net/
> MIT-licensed and Python-based.

Yes, I have!  Though I'm not yet enough of a Python wizard to build me
a working configuration the way I wanted to have it.  It's like 400
LoC shell script right now (the build master), plus a shell script
doing the actual building on the clients (160 LoC).

It basically builds as many crosscompilers on all nodes as possible,
until a new commit shows up. And once a new commit shows up, new build
jobs are only triggered if they're expected to finish before the last
of all currently jobs is expected to be done. Then, all builders are
updated and start building again.

> It's in Fedora, and I see that it's in Debian:
> http://packages.debian.org/unstable/buildbot
> (With my Python hat on, we use that for verifying every commit of
> CPython builds and passes the testsuite, across multiple build
> environments, and it's fairly easy for 3rd-parties to hook in their own
> build slaves into a build farm, for the less common envs).

If you have a few hours, you'd help substituting my scripts with
something that's possibly better cared for upstream :)

> > I don't know of any--I'm actually not a regular awk user at all.
> > And actually testing specific awk features isn't codified IMHO. And
> > while indices start at 1 (so the code was buggy in that way), it might
> > also be true that the implementation-defined behavior of virtually all
> > awk variants is to silently s/0/1/. Then, this would be an additional
> > glitch (not bug) in my mawk.
> It sounds like your awk expertise is greater than mine, though :)

I just read the docs after verifying that the helper variables were
all common between gawk and mawk.

> 20090726
> [...snip...]
>       + modify workaround for (incorrect) scripts which use a zero-parameter
>         for substr to ensure the overall length of the result stays the same.
>         For example, from makewhatis:
>               filename_no_gz = substr(filename, 0, RSTART - 1);
> so perhaps that's it.

Probably it is.


      Jan-Benedict Glaw      jbg...@lug-owl.de              +49-172-7608481
  Signature of:                        Lauf nicht vor Deinem Glück davon:
  the second  :                             Es könnte hinter Dir stehen!

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