On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 09:13:14PM +0100, FX wrote:
> > There is a missed optimization in
> > 
> > +  if (x < 12)
> > +    {
> > +      /* Compute directly as ERFC_SCALED(x) = ERFC(x) * EXP(X**2).
> > +        This is not perfect, but much better than netlib.  */
> > +      return erfcq(x) * expq(x*x);
> > +    }
> > 
> > If x is less than approximately -8192, then erfc(x)*exp(x*x)
> > overflows.
> Hum, I get roughly -106 where you have -8192, so I?ll not
> commit immediately with the value I have, and let you check it first.
> OK to commit?

The optimization can come later.  Your current version is fine,
because it fixes the ULP issue.

As to the optimization, for large negative x, one has

efrc(x)*exp(x*x) --> 2 * exp(x*x) = 2**emax 

exp(x*x) = 2**(emax-1)
x*x = (emax-1)*log(2)
x = - sqrt((emax-1)*log(2)) ! Choosing minus branch
x = -106.56...              ! emax=16384 (could be off-by-1, did not check)

So, yeah, you're correct.  My suggestion was based on the not
so careful mistake of replacing x*x by x+x and dropping log(2).
That is, I had x+x = -emax --> x = - emax / 2.


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