On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 08:41:02AM +0100, Thomas Schwinge wrote:
> Here is the patch I propose for gomp-4_0-branch; OK?

No.  The reason for 3 separate arrays is that some of the values
are always variable, some are sometimes variable (sizes), some are
never variable (alignment + kind).
So, if anything, the change would be to make the last array ushort instead of
uchar.  Plus, the change, being an ABI change, would need to be done on the
trunk rather than just on gomp-4_0-branch.

But, I don't have time right now to read the OpenACC standard and am not
convinced whether it is actually desirable to use the same library
entrypoint for OpenACC when it clearly isn't a 1:1 match in behavior.
You'll need extra code to implement the forceful mapping/unmapping even when
something is already mapped (OpenMP doesn't have that), also from your
example it wasn't clear if GOMP_target_data/GOMP_target_data_end map to
anything in OpenACC (it looked like you have separate enter and exit
directives for the region rather than one with structured block, and you can
supply clauses on either of them).


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