
Thank you,
Tatiana Udalova



I have reproduced the problem with mklog mentioned by Jakub:

> In my experience mklog is pretty much useless, e.g. if you add a new 
> function, it will list the previous function as being modified rather 
> than the new one, etc.

My focus was on functions from headers of diff-log chunks.

I hacked a simple addition to mklog which skips unchanged functions in
diff-log while adding function names to the final ChangeLog.

New mklog results were verified by testsuite which compares reference
ChangeLogs of patches from gcc trunk with logs generated by mklog.

Patched mklog considerably reduced the number of unchanged functions in

Is it OK for trunk?

Thank you,
Tatiana Udalova

Attachment: mklog_patch.diff
Description: Binary data

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