Hi Janne,

Thanks for the quick feedback.

> - Wrt. libgfortran/gfortran.map: You have added the GFORTRAN_1.6
> symbol node, as you're the first one to export new symbols in the 4.10
> cycle. I've seen occasional confusion from users when they have symbol
> version mismatches and e.g. "1.4" doesn't match any version they've
> seen before. So I think it might be better to switch to a scheme where
> the symbol node name matches the compiler version, i.e. GFORTRAN_4.10.

I don’t have an opinion on that, I’ll follow what you settle on.

> - Many of the intrinsics are just thin wrappers around
> __builtin_foo(). Couldn't these be generated inline instead?

They could, but… having them in the library allows to rely on its mechanism for 
detection of features, providing IEEE modules and functions only when we 
actually support them. I’m open to moving some of the IEEE handling towards the 
front-end, but we need to think clearly about that…


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