On Sat, Jun 28, 2014 at 6:53 PM, Marc Glisse <marc.gli...@inria.fr> wrote:
> There is always a risk, but then even with builtins I think there was a
> small risk that an RTL optimization would mess things up. It is indeed
> higher if we expose the operation to the optimizers earlier, but it would be
> a bug if an "optimization" replaced a vector operation by something worse.
> Also, I am only proposing to handle the most trivial operations this way,
> not more complicated ones (like v[0]+=s) where we would be likely to fail
> generating the right instruction. And the pragma should ensure that the
> function will always be compiled in a mode where the vector instruction is
> available.
> ARM did the same and I don't think I have seen a bug reporting a regression
> about it (I haven't really looked though).

I think the Arm definitions come from a different angle.  It's new,
there is no assumed semantics.  For the x86 intrinsics Intel defines
that _mm_xxx() generates one of a given opcodes if there is a match.
If I want to generate a specific code sequence I use the intrinsics.
Otherwise I could already today use the vector type semantics myself.

Don't get me wrong, I like the idea to have the optimization of the
intrinsics happening.  But perhaps not unconditionally or at least not
without preventing them.

I know this will look ugly, but how about a macro
__GCC_X86_HONOR_INTRINSICS to enable the current code and have by
default your proposed use of the vector arithmetic in place?  This
wouldn't allow removing support for the built-ins but it would also
open the door to some more risky optimizations to be enabled by

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