"Jürgen Urban" <juergenur...@gmx.de> writes:
> The problem happens with the r5900 hard float configurations, e.g.:
> configure --target=mipsel-linux-gnu --with-float=hard --with-fpu=single
> --with-arch=r5900
> I created the attached patch which fixes this problem for r5900 and
> another problem explained later.
> The fixed code generates the following code which should be correct
> (mipsr5900el-ps2-elf):
> 00105440 <__extendsfdf2>:
>   105440:       27bdffc8        addiu   sp,sp,-56
>   105444:       27a40028        addiu   a0,sp,40
>   105448:       27a50018        addiu   a1,sp,24
>   10544c:       afbf0034        sw      ra,52(sp)
>   105450:       0c0417b5        jal     105ed4 <__unpack_f>
>   105454:       e7ac0028        swc1    $f12,40(sp)
>   105458:       8fa20024        lw      v0,36(sp)
>   10545c:       8fa40018        lw      a0,24(sp)
>   105460:       8fa5001c        lw      a1,28(sp)
>   105464:       8fa60020        lw      a2,32(sp)
>   105468:       00021882        srl     v1,v0,0x2
>   10546c:       00021780        sll     v0,v0,0x1e
>   105470:       afa20010        sw      v0,16(sp)
>   105474:       0c041789        jal     105e24 <__make_dp>
>   105478:       afa30014        sw      v1,20(sp)
>   10547c:       8fbf0034        lw      ra,52(sp)
>   105480:       03e00008        jr      ra
>   105484:       27bd0038        addiu   sp,sp,56
> The default targets mipsr5900el and mips64r5900el are not affected by
> the problem, because soft float is the default.
> It also seems that the same problem occurs with the following configuration:
> configure --target=mipsel-linux-gnu --with-float=hard --with-fpu=single
> I expected that this combination should work and a problem should
> already be detected. Can somebody confirm that the problem also occurs
> with default mipsel?

Although that configuration is in theory supported by GCC (said like that
because I don't know the state of the glibc support for single-float),
I don't think anyone uses it for any target other than r5900.  But you're
right that this is a --with-fpu=single thing rather than an r5900 thing,
so I don't think the patch is correct.  It should be keyed off whether
the target is single-float or double-float, which you can test by
checking whether the preprocessor macro __mips_single_float is defined.

Note that this won't really be correct for r5900 anyway because of its
non-IEEE FPU.  E.g. the soft-float routines will treat 0x7f800000 as
infinity and 0x7fffffff as a NaN, whereas for r5900 they should be treated
as normal numbers.


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