On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 01:12:54PM -0600, Tom Tromey wrote:
> Richard> [ideally both frontends and targets would be shared objects, but of
> Richard> course even frontends have target dependencies pulled in via
> Richard> target macros at the moment...]
> We actually started development with this approach.  Our first working
> version of this project was based on David Malcolm's JIT branch.  We
> turned cc1 into a .so and had gdb dlopen it.  Then we did the
> compilation parts in-process.
> We ended up going with the plugin approach because it has better fault
> tolerance.  With the cc1.so approach, if we could provoke a crash -- not
> uncommon given that we were calling gcc internals in a new and exciting
> way -- then the whole debug session came down.
> Using a plugin avoids this.  If gcc crashes, gdb can report an error and
> continue on.  This is much friendlier for users, making it worth the
> extra effort of dealing with multiple processes, RPC, etc.  Also, our
> fears about the performance of this approach were unfounded, I imagine
> because we're generally dealing with very small inputs.

Given that what GDB wants is not a JIT, but reuse the C (and later on C++)
FEs, I think the plugin approach is just fine for this.


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