Replying to all this time.

On Sat, Sep 6, 2014 at 11:35 PM, Segher Boessenkool
<> wrote:
>> Hm, isn't it already enabled by default for Emacs (in .dirs-local.el)?
> That may well be.  But Vim is not Emacs.

Why is Vim special? As a developer I'd prefer the unified approach:
either nuke both or move them to contrib or make them default.

>> Also
>> GNU coding style is a requirement for GCC so resisting it may not make
>> sense...
> I'm not resisting GNU coding style.  I am resisting scripts and/or other
> configuration things that make my editor do something else than what I tell
> it to do.  If I type enter in insert mode, the cursor should go to column
> one in a newly opened line, not "helpfully" to e.g. four spaces in.

Two spaces in GNU standard.

> Because
> I will bloody well type four spaces anyway.

Well, good luck with a deeply nested constructs where GNU wants a
weird mix of tabs and spaces which developers get wrong every time
(unless they remember to run sed on their patches which they normally

> Etc.  Not to mention the horrors
> it will do in a machine description file.

Indenting is only enabled for C, C++ and Java and .def. Md's and other
stuff is untouched (hmm, .md is interesting).

> This all should be opt-in.  As it already is.

Not for other editors...

> If you can give some suggested
> config for other users, that's marvellous, it will probably be helpful to
> some.  Changing the config for everyone is quite the opposite of helpful.

Let's see what other hackers say.

> p.s.  At least you're not forcing syntax hilighting on ;-)

Noo, this is too personal.

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