On 09/15/14 15:53, Chen Gang wrote:
On 09/15/2014 11:30 PM, Michael Eager wrote:

Configuring DejaGNU for cross-target testing requires creating a configuration
file describing the target board.

OK, thank you very much. And could you share your configuration file,
which I can reference to?

See attached.

Michael Eager    ea...@eagercon.com
1960 Park Blvd., Palo Alto, CA 94306  650-325-8077
# Xilinx remote for MicroBlaze using XMD

#load_generic_config "monitor"
load_generic_config "xmd"

# Identify multilib flags using libgloss
process_multilib_options ""

# The default compiler for this target.
set_board_info compiler  "mb-gcc"

# We will be using the standard GDB remote protocol
set_board_info gdb_protocol "remote"

# Name of the computer whose socket will be used, if required.
#set_board_info sockethost "gdb"
set_board_info sockethost "localhost"

# Port ID to use for socket connection
set_board_info gdb,socketport "1234"

# Port for target
#set_board_info netport "gdb:1234"
set_board_info netport "localhost:1234"

# Use techniques appropriate to a stub (don't do "run" command)
set_board_info use_gdb_stub 1

# This gdbserver can only run a process once per session.
set_board_info gdb,do_reload_on_run 1

# There's no support for argument-passing (yet).
set_board_info noargs 1

# Can't do input (or output) in the current gdbserver.
set_board_info gdb,noinferiorio 1

# Can't do singnals
set_board_info gdb,nosignals 1

# Can't do hardware watchpoints, in general
set_board_info gdb,no_hardware_watchpoints 1

#set_board_info cflags  "[newlib_include_flags] [libgloss_include_flags]"

set_board_info cflags  "-mcpu=v4.00.b -mno-xl-soft-mul -mxl-barrel-shift"
set_board_info addl_link_flags "-L /home/eager/Xilinx/dg/microblaze_0/lib 
-Wl,-defsym -Wl,_HEAP_SIZE=0x1000000 -Wl,-defsym -Wl,_STACK_SIZE=0x80000"
set_board_info ldscript "-T/home/eager/Xilinx/dg/microblaze_0/LinkScr.ld"
set_board_info ldflags  "[libgloss_link_flags] [newlib_link_flags] [board_info 
$board addl_link_flags]"
#  Use remote protocol to XMD server

load_config "monitor.exp"

proc set_host_info { entry value } {
    global target_info board_info
    verbose "set_host_info $entry $value" 3

    set machine host
    if [info exists target_info($machine,name)] {
        set machine $target_info($machine,name)
    set board_info($machine,$entry) $value

proc gdb_target_exec { } {
     send_gdb "cont"
#    gdb_test "target exec" "No executable file now." "" ".*Kill it.*y or n.*" 

proc remote_reboot { host } {

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