On 12/01/14 14:02, Cary Coutant wrote:
[+cc Michael Eager]

Rather than having to lobby to keep it unchanged because we jumped the gun,
can we lobby to get the number assigned in the near future rather than in
the potentially far future?  That feels more cooperative to me :-)

Would that make Michael happier?

I'm pretty confident that Michael will say, "don't rely on the value
until the final spec is published." (He's told me exactly that in the
past. I've been guilty of jumping the gun on a couple of DW_LANG codes
and a few DW_AT values.)

But we should let Michael answer for himself...

As Cary said, the values are not fixed until the spec is released.
As Jason said, the values are unlikely to change.

The standards process can be a bit messy at times, particularly
when we realize that something we added to a draft needs to be changed.
We try to avoid making unnecessary changes, naturally.  On the other
hand, we don't want something in an internal draft of the DWARF
specification to prevent us from making necessary changes.

We will avoid changing the value of the DW_AT_noreturn or any other
new attribute, if for no reason than it makes additional work for us.
We're also aware that changes may affect work on GCC, GDB, or other
tools, which we would like to avoid.

The most conservative approach is to wait for the DWARF Version
5 spec to be released.  While there is no guarantee that attribute
values will not change in the final spec, the risk if this happening
seems small.

Michael, for your reference, here's the start of this thread:


and its continuation into December:


Michael, are you OK with sharing your target dates for publishing the spec?

We will likely have a public review draft available in April or May
with a 60 period for comments, with final release most likely in July.

Michael Eager    ea...@eagercon.com
1960 Park Blvd., Palo Alto, CA 94306  650-325-8077

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