Philip Herron via Gcc <> writes:

> Hi Raiki

Welcome, Raiki!

> Excellent work on getting up to speed on the rust front-end. From my
> perspective I am interested to see what the wider GCC community thinks
> about using library within GCC
> instead of rolling our own, this means it will be another dependency on GCC.

As my $0.02, it is likely best not to create yet another
re-implementation.  There's already precedent for including dependencies
that can do a very complex job well, like GMP and MPFR.

Text handling is deceivingly simple, and in practice, nobody seems to
get it fully right.  The effort is minimized, and yet most effectively
shared, if done in a library.

(note: I don't have a horse in the race wrt which specific library to
use, as I'm no expert, but I suspect libunistring could work well)

Have a wonderful day!

> The other option is there is already code in the other front-ends to do
> this so in the worst case it should be possible to extract something out of
> them and possibly make this a shared piece of functionality which we can
> mentor you through.
> Thanks
> --Phil
> On Mon, 13 Mar 2023 at 16:19, Raiki Tamura via Gcc <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> My name is Raiki Tamura, an undergraduate student at Kyoto University in
>> Japan and I want to work on Unicode support in gccrs this year.
>> I have already written my proposal (linked below) and shared it with the
>> gccrs team in Zulip.
>> In the project, I am planning to use the GNU unistring library to handle
>> Unicode characters and the GNU IDN library to normalize identifiers.
>> According to my potential mentor, it would provide Unicode libraries for
>> all frontends in GCC. If there are concerns or feedback about this, please
>> tell me about it.
>> Thank you.
>> Link to my proposal:
>> Raiki Tamura

Arsen Arsenović

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