
I am working on the GSoC project, "C++: Implement compiler built-in
traits for the standard library traits". I found the following library
traits that I am not sure if implementing built-in traits brings
reasonable speed up.

* std::is_fundamental
* std::is_arithmetic
* std::is_scalar
* std::is_object
* std::is_compound
* std::is_scoped_enum

For example, std::is_object has no template specializations, but its
inheriting class looks complicated.

__not_<__or_<is_function<_Tp>, is_reference<_Tp>, is_void<_Tp>>>::type

If we define the built-in trait for this trait, we have: (as
equivalence of the above code)


And __is_object built-in trait should be like:

!(type1 == FUNCTION_TYPE || type1 == ...)

In this case, could someone tell me which one would be faster? Or, is
there no other way to know which but to benchmark?

Ken Matsui

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