Jason Merrill wrote:

I don't think my patch changed the handling of class typedefs; certainly my intent was only to change how we handle

  class __attribute ((foo)) C

Previously we rejected it, now we apply the attributes to the class.

OK, that certainly makes sense. (That's one of the items in the proposal I wrote up: that you can apply attributes at the point of declaration of a class.)

Which PRs are you referring to?

One example is:


However, this is a problem with non-semantic attributes, and not related to your patch. So, I apologize for any aspersions cast. But, it does motivate for writing something down about what we want semantics we want. Here, what I think we want is (as per the proposal) to create a new anonymous typedef for "__attribute__((unused)) A", but consider that the same type as "A".

I was pretty sure there were other PRs, but I'm not able to find them now, so perhaps I was dreaming. I thought there were also PRs about typeid and mangling failing (and/or doing the wrong thing) for types with attributes (including scalars with attributes).

I'd be inclined to prohibit semantic attributes on typedefs in general.

That's certainly simpler.  I'm happy to be talked out of that idea. :-)

Extending the type system to handle attribute types seems excessively complicated. I think we should define a set of attributes which prevent us from taking the address of a variable with that attribute (packed...anything else?) and check for them at the same places we check for taking the address of a bitfield.

That seems like a good idea to me. However, one consequence is that a packed class cannot have member functions (since you'd never be able to get a "this" pointer for them); do you think that's OK?

Mark Mitchell
(650) 331-3385 x713

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