On Wed, 17 Jan 2007, Andrew Haley wrote:


|  > | "To a man with a hammer, all things look like a nail."  It's very
|  > | tempting for us in gcc-land always to fix things in gcc, not because
|  > | it's technically the right place but because it's what we control
|  > | ourselves.
|  >
|  > well, I'm unclear what your point is here, but certainly GCC is
|  > at fault for generating trapping instructions.
|  > So, we fix the problem in GCC, not because that is what we control
|  > ourselves, but we we failed to generate proper code.
| It's not a matter of whose fault it is; trying to apportion blame
| makes no sense.

we have a communication problem here.  Nobody is trying to apportion
blame.  However, gcc is the tool that generates trapping instruction.
It is unclear why it would be the responsability of the OS or libc
to fix what GCC has generated in the first place.

-- Gaby

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