On Fri, Jun 15, 2007 at 03:39:49PM -0700, Mark Mitchell wrote:
> in the relatively near future.  I am also considering the Intel BID
> patches for 4.3, as those have arrived just under the wire.  I would
> appreciate comments from relevant maintainers about those patches.

Who are those relevant maintainers? Since Intel BID patches only
affects DFP intrinsics, which is only supported on Linux/PPC,
Linux/ia32 and Linux/x86-64 while Linux/PPC uses DPD encoding, not
BID encoding, I assume the relevant maintainers are maintainers for
DFP, libgcc and x86 backend.

BTW, an x86 DFP configure bug was reported 3 months ago.  But it still
hasn't benen fixed. I opened a DFP bug report:


with a patch. I hope it will be fixed before gcc 4.3 is released :-).



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