Hi All,

I am looking for an open source compiler, such as GCC, Open64, Scale
and SUIF, as the infrastructure of my research. Though I have read
some of their documents, they are still complicate to me and it is
difficult to decide which one is better. Can you please help me to
compare these compilers in terms of the following requirements?

- Support Fortran (better up to 95)
- Well designed intermediate representations suitable for program
analysis, especially on the level of loops and arrays ( It is better
to have a phase after most scalar optimizations but before loop
optimizations and array lowering )
- Strong support for accurate loop dependence analysis
- Well support for inter procedure analysis
- Easy to combine with existing instrumentation tools
- Clear and precise documents
- Friendly and helpful development community (I am testing:-))

Any suggestions or pointers will be appreciated!



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