
> >>       b) If any PHI node has count zero it can be inserted back and its
> >>          corresponding computations removed, iff the argument of the PHI 
> >> node
> >>      still exists as an SSA variable. This means that we can insert
> >>      a_1 = PHI <D.10_1> if D.10_1 still exists and hasnt been removed by
> >>      any of the passes between the scalar evolution pass and the
> >>      loopdone pass.
> >
> > this does not work:
> > -- we reuse ssa names, so it can happen that the argument of the PHI node
> >   is eliminated, then reused for a different purpose
> I wasn't sure if from the proposal strong enough to catch this case ? i.e. if
> So if the ssa_names are infact reused they won't be the same
> computations.

do you also check this for ssa names inside the loop (in your example,

> > -- in case more complex loop transformations were performed
> >   (e.g., loop reversal), the final value of the ssa name might have
> >   changed.
> Could you give an example for this ?

for (i = 100; i > 0; i--)
  a[i] = i;

transformed to

for (i = 1; i <= 100; i++)
  a[i] = i;

the final value of i was originally 0, now it is 101.

> Is there anything else you might
> suggest in terms of undoing the transformations from scalar cprop.?

I would probably try to somehow pass the information from scev analysis
to value numbering, and let PRE take care of the issue,


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