> Previous email presents a bit misleading graphs (influenced by
> --enable-gather-detailed-mem-stats).
> Firefox:
> -flto=9, WPA peak: 8GB, LTRANS peak: 8GB
> -flto=4, WPA peak: 5GB, LTRANS peak: 3.5GB
> -flto=1, WPA peak: 3.5GB, LTRANS peak: ~1GB
> These data shows that parallel WPA streaming increases short-time
> memory footprint by 4.5GB for -flto=9 (respectively by 1.5GB in case
> of -flto=4).
> For more details, please see the attachment.

Aha, --enable-gather-detailed-mem-stats maintains on-side hashtable tracking all
ggc allocations so it almost doubles memory use. That explains the 
in between GGC use and your graphs. Can you, perhaps, also get chromium graphs
without detailed stats?

> Martin

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