
Does anyone know if the following text from the GCC internals [0] is outdated?


Optimize yet more. -O3 turns on all optimizations specified by -O2 and also turns on the following optimization flags:


I ask because I have an optimization pass that interacts poorly with -O3, but compiles and runs correctly with -O2. I'm trying to find which individual (or combination of optimizations) is triggering the runtime error I'm debugging. I tried running -O2 and manually enable all the optimizations turned on by -O3 (but without specifying -O3) and my pass runs successfully.

So, either:
* -O3 does more than just enable these optimizations, or
* This documentation is outdated and there's something missing.

Does someone have an answer? (And if possible point to some code locations so that I can learn where it is.) Thanks!

[0] https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Optimize-Options.html

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