On Wed, Jan 25, 2023 at 16:06:31 -0500, Ben Boeckel wrote:
> This patch series adds initial support for ISO C++'s [P1689R5][], a
> format for describing C++ module requirements and provisions based on
> the source code. This is required because compiling C++ with modules is
> not embarrassingly parallel and need to be ordered to ensure that
> `import some_module;` can be satisfied in time by making sure that any
> TU with `export import some_module;` is compiled first.
> [P1689R5]: https://isocpp.org/files/papers/P1689R5.html
> I've also added patches to include imported module CMI files and the
> module mapper file as dependencies of the compilation. I briefly looked
> into adding dependencies on response files as well, but that appeared to
> need some code contortions to have a `class mkdeps` available before
> parsing the command line or to keep the information around until one was
> made.
> I'd like feedback on the approach taken here with respect to the
> user-visible flags. I'll also note that header units are not supported
> at this time because the current `-E` behavior with respect to `import
> <some_header>;` is to search for an appropriate `.gcm` file which is not
> something such a "scan" can support. A new mode will likely need to be
> created (e.g., replacing `-E` with `-fc++-module-scanning` or something)
> where headers are looked up "normally" and processed only as much as
> scanning requires.
> FWIW, Clang as taken an alternate approach with its `clang-scan-deps`
> tool rather than using the compiler directly.

Ping? It'd be nice to have this supported in at least GCC 14 (since it
missed 13).



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