On 05/03/2014 12:14, Lee Noar wrote:
On 04/03/14 11:51, Duncan Moore wrote:
On 03/03/2014 20:39, Lee Noar wrote:
The loop control instructions are missing as well as the function
epilogue; the compiler knew it was creating an infinite loop.

I assume you built the compiler yourself on the 8th January?
No. I'm using
Unfortunately, I still can't reproduce your results. I've downloaded
the same version of the compiler as you have above and that produces
a working binary. I've also rebuilt GCCSDK from scratch with the latest
source from upstream, and that gives the correct result.

Firstly, I gave you the wrong name of the file I downloaded - it was the binary http://www.riscos.info/downloads/gccsdk/testing/4.7.4/gccsdk-gcc-bin-4.7.4-Rel1dev.zip , not the source code. Sorry about that.

I've downloaded it twice, and it's identical. I've also used two different un-zippers.

I'm also having trouble with C++. Here's a simple test case. The *compiler* appears to get into an infinite loop and never produces any output, not even stdout - or maybe it just takes an exceedingly long time to compile. It worked on gcc 4.1.2, and works on Cywin gcc 4.8.2. Can you reproduce this? NB for historical reasons, I think asinh is in global scope, not std, even with C++11.

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
//using std::asinh;
int main(void) {
std::cout << asinh(2) << '\n';
return 0;

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