On Sat, Sep 12, 2015 at 11:31:59AM +0100, John Ballance wrote:
> Hi Lee, and Theo and others
> Thanks for your work on 4.7.4 .. it built completely this time
> without any further patches .. thanks
> I built nettle using the mods given by Alan Williams .. they tallied
> with things I'd found earlier too.  Would you like them as patch
> files or are you on the case?
> There are several things that also need updating try to build
> firefox. Again.. can I dump those on you? .. I haven't yet built
> firefox.. but think I have the dependencies all now building.
> Similar issue in Qt and arora. Several mods needed.. not yet
> building here, but hopefully soon. I know its your 'baby', Lee, so
> don't want to tread on toes.
> Or should I just throw them onto the maillist?

Unless anyone has any objections, I suggest just posting patches to the
mailing list.  If the volume becomes a problem we can always create another
list, but in the meantime it enables us to eyeball patches as they go past.

Simplest thing is to do:
diff -ur old/ new/ > patchfile.p
svn diff > patchfile.p

and then attach patchfile.p to a post to the list.  It's helpful if patches
are broken up into task-based chunks rather than submitted together (ie
don't merge fixes for 17 packages into one massive patch).
You may also need to attach any new files you create - please indicate their
names and locations.

I'm currently stalling 4.7.4rel2 on a C++ bug from Alan; but happy to integrate
patches for the time being - if it gets complicated I'll simply branch
4.7.4rel2 and work on it there.

I also just mailed Richard Wilson on the subject of Tinct source code - will
see what he says.


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