
Robert Boyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > Should be fixed now:
> Yes it is fixed and thanks a lot!
> Feel free to ignore this mindless progress report: There
> seems to be a kind of weird tug-of-war going on that I do
> not yet understand.  Sometimes Nqthm proclaims some
> functions.  It now seems that as a result of this, GCL has
> decided that some functions in some files that have already
> been compiled with COMPILE-FILE should be recompiled
> sometimes during the LOAD of the .o file.  ????  However, I
> would naively tend to think that loading, with LOAD, a file
> previously produced with COMPILE-FILE should never cause a
> recompilation.  You can see this happening in the transcript
> below.  Suspiciously, that same Nqthm function we saw annoy
> us recently, 'OUR-GETCHARN' is getting into the action.

Yes, this is the intended behavior.  Recall that before, you had to
eliminate the proclaim of our-getcharn to avoid error.  Now, if you
compile some file containing form-count-evg with our-getcharn either
unproclaimed or mis-proclaimed, and then in some other image, compile
and load our-getcharn deducing thereby the correct signature, then try
to load the now incompatible old file continaining form-count-evg, it
will be automatically recompiled to avoid inconsistency.  This must be
done at load time, as the point of conflict is in setting incompatible
calls in the same running image, i.e. one could have compile-filed the
two separate source files in two separate images.

Those that change sig from nil were unproclaimed.  Those that change
to ((args) *) from ((args) t) either represent an insufficiently
aggressive type inference in the compiler, or a temporary condition
that should be cleared in the final recompile.

I can see that my earlier feeble attempt at explanation was a bit too
opaque -- my apologies.  While we may not be getting the best
signatures yet, this infrastructure, if it proves solid appears pretty
slick to me, though I am obviously somewhat naive :-).  Seems like
possibly a generic solution to the "interactive compilation problem".

You might also try proclaiming nothing at some point.

Take care, and thanks again!

> Bob
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> GCL (GNU Common Lisp)  2.7.0 ANSI    Jun  6 2006 15:29:37
> Source License: LGPL(gcl,gmp,pargcl), GPL(unexec,bfd)
> Binary License:  GPL due to GPL'ed components: (BFD UNEXEC)
> Modifications of this banner must retain notice of a compatible license
> Dedicated to the memory of W. Schelter
> Use (help) to get some basic information on how to use GCL.
> Temporary directory for compiler files set to /tmp/
> >
> #<"COMMON-LISP-USER" package>
> >
> Loading sloop.o
> start address -T 0xaf24de0 Finished loading sloop.o
> Loading basis.o
> start address -T 0xafd5d80 Finished loading basis.o
> Loading genfact.o
> start address -T 0xaf21f80 Finished loading genfact.o
> Loading events.o
> start address -T 0xafeef20 Finished loading events.o
> Loading code-1-a.o
> start address -T 0xb006820 Finished loading code-1-a.o
> Loading code-b-d.o
> start address -T 0xb05d000 Finished loading code-b-d.o
> Loading code-e-m.o
> Callee EXECUTE sigchange NIL to ((T T T T T) *), recompiling 
> Callee EXECUTE sigchange NIL to ((T T T T T) *), recompiling 
> Loading /tmp/recompile.o
> start address -T 0xafdf938 Finished loading /tmp/recompile.o
> start address -T 0xb0c20c0 Finished loading code-e-m.o
> Loading code-n-r.o
> Callee PUT1 sigchange ((T T T) T) to ((T T T) *), recompiling 
> Callee OUR-GETCHARN sigchange ((T T) T) to ((T T) FIXNUM), recompiling 
> Callee PUT1 sigchange ((T T T) T) to ((T T T) *), recompiling ADD-SUB-FACT
> Callee OUR-GETCHARN sigchange ((T T) T) to ((T T) FIXNUM), recompiling 
> Callee REDUCE-TERM sigchange NIL to ((T T) *), recompiling R-LOOP1
> Callee OUR-GETCHARN sigchange ((T T) T) to ((T T) FIXNUM), recompiling 
> Callee REDUCE-TERM sigchange NIL to ((T T) *), recompiling R
> Callee PUT1 sigchange ((T T T) T) to ((T T T) *), recompiling MAKE-EVENT
> Loading /tmp/recompile.o
> start address -T 0xb02f720 Finished loading /tmp/recompile.o
> Callee GUARANTEE-CITIZENSHIP sigchange ((T) T) to ((T) *), recompiling 
> Callee GUARANTEE-CITIZENSHIP sigchange ((T) T) to ((T) *), recompiling 
> Callee GUARANTEE-CITIZENSHIP sigchange ((T) T) to ((T) *), recompiling 
> Callee GUARANTEE-CITIZENSHIP sigchange ((T) T) to ((T) *), recompiling 
> Callee GUARANTEE-CITIZENSHIP sigchange ((T) T) to ((T) *), recompiling DEFN0
> Loading /tmp/recompile.o
> start address -T 0xb08f300 Finished loading /tmp/recompile.o
> start address -T 0xb0f07e0 Finished loading code-n-r.o
> Loading code-s-z.o
> Callee TIME-IN-60THS sigchange NIL to (NIL T), recompiling STOP-STATS
> Callee VVV- sigchange ((T) T) to ((T) *), recompiling NEW-TAMEP-SUBST-VAR
> Callee TIME-IN-60THS sigchange NIL to (NIL T), recompiling SIMPLIFY-CLAUSE1
> Callee STORE-DEFINITION sigchange ((T T) T) to ((T T) *), recompiling PUTD1
> Callee TIME-IN-60THS sigchange (NIL T) to (NIL *), recompiling 
> Callee SIMPLIFY-SENT sigchange NIL to ((T T) *), recompiling SIMPLIFY-LOOP
> Callee SIMPLIFY-LOOP sigchange ((T) T) to ((T) *), recompiling PROVE-FN
> Callee TIME-IN-60THS sigchange NIL to (NIL T), recompiling START-STATS
> Loading /tmp/recompile.o
> start address -T 0xb0a9800 Finished loading /tmp/recompile.o
> start address -T 0xb12f5c0 Finished loading code-s-z.o
> Loading io.o
> Callee TH-IFY sigchange NIL to ((T) *), recompiling IO1
> Loading /tmp/recompile.o
> start address -T 0xb15ffa0 Finished loading /tmp/recompile.o
> start address -T 0x148da000 Finished loading io.o
> Loading ppr.o
> start address -T 0x148ecee0 Finished loading ppr.o

Camm Maguire                                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens."  --  Baha'u'llah

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