
Robert Boyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I hadn't played with the si::p-or and related parallel stuff
> in Gnu Common Lisp 2.7.0 for a while, but prompted by your
> message below, yesterday afternoon, I tried two examples.
> 1.  (defun foo () (si::p-or (foo) (foo)))
> 2.  (defun foo () (sleep 1) (si::p-or (foo) (foo)))
> In both cases, upon calling (foo), the machine
> went south.  

THis should have caused machine overload, no?  The forked processes
should terminate either 1) when a given (foo) returns, or 2) any
instance returns non-nil.  'foo here never returns at all -- hence
infinite fork.

Take care,
Camm Maguire                                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens."  --  Baha'u'llah

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