"Bill Page" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| On August 19, 2006 9:51 AM Gaby wrote:
| > ... 
| > OK; so let's me summarize a candidate patch for axiom.silver or
| > axiom.build-improvements:
| > 
| >    * apparently, GCL 2.6.8pre from CVS has more improvements;
| >    * if we grab that, we must patch Axiom with patches suggested
| >      by Camm.  Camm, could you give me a list of those?
| >    * We must, for the moment, configure GCL with --disable-xgcl.
| > 
| > Is that correct?
| > 
| Yes, that is correct. Do you have all the pieces?

if you could give me a collection of pointers to them that would be


-- Gaby

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