administrator, was on vacation. He was sworn in in Jackson, Miss. , during an era of segregation.
Yesterday he went and saluted Dr.
But there was a big difference: Mr.
Such appointments are valid until the next Congress takes office, in this case next January.
In fact, he introduced legislation in the Senate that would eliminate two of those seats altogether.
as a recess appointment, a rarely used maneuver that avoids the confirmation process. JOHN EDWARDS: I would respectfully disagree with him about that.
Savor those cosmic postcards while you can.
Taxi driver Jalal Adwan was not so sure.
His nomination, in fact, was eventually resubmitted to the Senate by none other than President Bush.
Bush said Pickering would have been confirmed if his nomination had been brought to a vote. envoy Sergio Vieira de Mello.
Sanchez, the senior American officer in Iraq, had directed an inquiry into the latest in a string of reported abuses of prisoners.
envoy Sergio Vieira de Mello. At times judges have commanded such uniform support that presidents have used the power to get them in office quickly, leaving the formality of confirmation for later. The Fourth Circuit was left with no North Carolina judge as a full-time member, even though it is the largest of the five states in the region. as a recess appointment, a rarely used maneuver that avoids the confirmation process. He was sworn in in Jackson, Miss. the view that he has voiced is that it is not necessary to fill these positions.
Lucky Jerry is still in Washington. He was sworn in in Jackson, Miss.
Bush renominated Gregory, who was confirmed for a lifetime appointment in July. Yesterday he went and saluted Dr.
Helms personally has seen to it those seats remain vacant.
envoy to Iraq, Sergio Vieira de Mello.
Now, on the stump, Clark strongly defends the school, without denying that some graduates have committed atrocities in their home countries.
His nomination, in fact, was eventually resubmitted to the Senate by none other than President Bush.
There was reason to hope that Mr.
In fact, he introduced legislation in the Senate that would eliminate two of those seats altogether.
In the case of Judge James Wynn however, Helms is blocking a nominee from his own home state. Savor those cosmic postcards while you can.
Gartin directed a campaign against Tougaloo College, a historically black institution that had been integrated and that served as a base for civil rights activity in northern Mississippi.

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