On Sun, Jan 11, 2009 at 9:41 PM, Andrey G. Grozin <a.g.gro...@inp.nsk.su> wrote:
> ping
> anybody here?

And more to the point, why is Camm not responding to list email, not
responding to list email CCed to him, and not responding to private
email when he is clearly still around and paying at least some
attention to GCL?


I'm getting really frustrated with this project.  I can see how to fix
a couple of the bugs listed in BUGS, but it appears that doing so is a
waste of time.  Am I wrong?

I don't have any history with this project, so let's start with the

1. Who are the current developers?  There's a list on the project web
page, but since I can't even get anybody to fix a broken link there
(see the first message in this thread), I have no confidence that
those pages aren't years out of date.

2. Who has editing rights on the project web pages?

3. Who has commit rights to the code repository?

4. Who is in charge of release management?

5. What are the release criteria for 2.6.8 and 2.7.0, respectively?

6. What processes are used to manage incoming patches?

7. What are the policies and procedures around recruiting new developers?

If any of this is already documented somewhere, please just provide a
pointer.  Thanks,
Jerry James

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