
     I tested the driver on just one FileGDB which included a date
field.  You stated, 

Known issues with build / FileGDB driver
- (driver issue) blobs and date fields are not handled at all

Here is what I did and successfully got the data.  The date field was
made a double and populated with 0, however, since it says that date
fields are not handled, it is nice that the rest of the process still
worked on the other fields and the data was exported.  

ogr2ogr ODF_Lincoln_Roads.shp West_Oregon_Roads.gdb
Warning 6: Field RDSRCDATE create as date field, though DateTime

Warning 6: Normalized/laundered field name: 'CONSTRUCTED' to
Warning 6: Normalized/laundered field name: 'Shape_Length' to
Warning 1: Row id: 4 col:10 has unhandled col type (11). Setting to
ERROR 1: GDB Error: Failed to determine value for column CONST_DATE
ERROR 1: GDB Error: Failed to determine value for column CONST_DATE

Thanks for the work on this.


>>> On 4/13/2011 at 11:13 AM, in message
<banlktimitsqyjfixfrys05jkeibya+t...@mail.gmail.com>, Ragi Burhum
<r...@burhum.com> wrote:
> Perfect. Thank you Michael.
> - Ragi
>> Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2011 15:45:25 -0400
>> From: "Smith, Michael ERDC-CRREL-NH" <michael.sm...@usace.army.mil>
>> Subject: Re: [gdal-dev] Re: FileGDB OGR driver test
>> To: Even Rouault <even.roua...@mines-paris.org>,
>>        <gdal-dev@lists.osgeo.org>
>> Message-ID: <c9ca2415.2220d%michael.sm...@usace.army.mil>
>> Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="ISO-8859-1"
>> I have a test v10 filegdb with points, lines, polygons (all with Z
and M
>> but
>> I think the measures aren't populated). There are also some non
>> tables and some relationship classes.
>> Its available at
>> Mike
>> --
>> Michael Smith
>> Remote Sensing/GIS Center
>> US Army Corps of Engineers
>> On 4/12/11 2:48 PM, "Even Rouault" <even.roua...@mines-paris.org>
>> > Le mardi 12 avril 2011 20:40:58, Matt Wilkie a écrit :
>> >>> ArcGIS 10 FileGDB's right ?
>> >>
>> >> If the api allows for using gdb's from different versions then
the test
>> >> suite should have different versions too. In any case I can make
>> gdb's.
>> >
>> > No, the FileGDB API only reads v10 gdb's.
>> >
>> >>
>> >>> Current GDAL trunk builds against FileGDB API beta3 under Linux
>> >>> Too bad ESRI doesn't provide any 64bit build of the FileGDB API
>> >>> ?)
>> >>
>> >> """
>> >> We are working on a Linux 64-bit release of the File Geodatabase
>> >> will not release with the 1.0 release of the API, but as a part
of a
>> >> follow on release later this year.
>> >>
>> >> Lance Shipman
>> >> Geodatabase Product Engineer, File Geodatabase
>> >> esri
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