On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 2:21 AM, Jan Hartmann <j.l.h.hartm...@uva.nl> wrote:

> **
> Not sure if this is possible, but perhaps someone here knows a trick.
> I use a VRT file as an index to a large set of detailed, tiled scans of
> the Netherlands, built with gdalbuildvrt. I recently discovered how to
> transform this map on the fly, so that it  exactly aligns to older maps in
> different coordinate systems. It's just a matter of adapting the
> <geotransform> item in the VRT file.

I'm not sure if this will work for what you are doing, but I change the
projection of VRT files with gdalwarp: gdalwarp -of VRT -t_srs "+proj=omerc
+lat_0=44.75 +lonc=-124.05 +alpha=5 +k=1 +x_0=134743.33241
+y_0=369139.02771 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +to_meter=0.3048 +no_defs
+wktext" infile.vrt outfile.vrt


> So I can copy the VRT file for every old map, and adapt the <geotransform>
> in each of them. This means that all VRT files will be identical, except
> for the <geotransform> line. The VRT files are quite large, because they
> cover lots of tiles. Can anyone here think of a method to do this with one
> central VRT file, in which only the <geotransform> line is plugged that is
> required for the particular old map?  Something like a symbolic link to
> concatenate the variable and stable parts of the VRT file?
> Jan
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